@Article{info:doi/10.2196/32789, author="Psihogios, Alexandra M and Rabbi, Mashfiqui and Ahmed, Annisa and McKelvey, Elise R and Li, Yimei and Laurenceau, Jean-Philippe and Hunger, Stephen P and Fleisher, Linda and Pai, Ahna LH and Schwartz, Lisa A and Murphy, Susan A and Barakat, Lamia P", title="Understanding Adolescent and Young Adult 6-Mercaptopurine Adherence and mHealth Engagement During Cancer Treatment: Protocol for Ecological Momentary Assessment", journal="JMIR Res Protoc", year="2021", month="Oct", day="22", volume="10", number="10", pages="e32789", keywords="mHealth; ecological momentary assessment; adolescents; young adults; oncology; cancer; self-management; mobile phone", abstract="Background: Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer demonstrate suboptimal oral chemotherapy adherence, increasing their risk of cancer relapse. It is unclear how everyday time-varying contextual factors (eg, mood) affect their adherence, stalling the development of personalized mobile health (mHealth) interventions. Poor engagement is also a challenge across mHealth trials; an effective adherence intervention must be engaging to promote uptake. Objective: This protocol aims to determine the temporal associations between daily contextual factors and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) adherence and explore the proximal impact of various engagement strategies on ecological momentary assessment survey completion. Methods: At the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, AYAs with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma who are prescribed prolonged maintenance chemotherapy that includes daily oral 6-MP are eligible, along with their matched caregivers. Participants will use an ecological momentary assessment app called ADAPTS (Adherence Assessments and Personalized Timely Support)---a version of an open-source app that was modified for AYAs with cancer through a user-centered process---and complete surveys in bursts over 6 months. Theory-informed engagement strategies will be microrandomized to estimate the causal effects on proximal survey completion. Results: With funding from the National Cancer Institute and institutional review board approval, of the proposed 30 AYA-caregiver dyads, 60{\%} (18/30) have been enrolled; of the 18 enrolled, 15 (83{\%}) have completed the study so far. Conclusions: This protocol represents an important first step toward prescreening tailoring variables and engagement components for a just-in-time adaptive intervention designed to promote both 6-MP adherence and mHealth engagement. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/32789 ", issn="1929-0748", doi="10.2196/32789", url="https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/10/e32789", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/32789", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34677129" }