Published on in Vol 3, No 3 (2014): Jul-Sep

Social Networking Versus Facebook Advertising to Recruit Survey Respondents: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Social Networking Versus Facebook Advertising to Recruit Survey Respondents: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Social Networking Versus Facebook Advertising to Recruit Survey Respondents: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Conor Gilligan   1, 2 , B BiomedSci (Hons), PhD ;   Kypros Kypri   1, 3 , BA (Hons), PhD ;   Jesse Bourke   1 , B Psych

1 School of Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia

2 Clinical Research Design, IT and Statistical Support Unit, Hunter Medical Research Institute, New Lambton, Australia

3 Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, New Lambton, Australia

Corresponding Author:

  • Conor Gilligan, B BiomedSci (Hons), PhD
  • School of Medicine and Public Health
  • Faculty of Health and Medicine
  • University of Newcastle
  • HMRI Building
  • Callaghan, 2308
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 240420553
  • Fax: 61 240420044
  • Email: