JMIR Research Protocols is open for nominations for Section Editors and an Editor-in-Chief

Are you interested in research methods? Are you a specialist in a specific research area or clinical discipline? Do you have a special interest in research ethics and integrity of research, and do you see the importance of prospectively publishing research protocols? Do you see the educational value of publishing research proposals, ideas, and formative research?

We are currently seeking academics to apply as section editors for Editorial Board positions for JMIR Res Protoc, including the Editor-in-Chief position. There will be remuneration in form of a credit system, rewarding actions such as taking on papers as submission editor. EB members will also be able to use a small discount for their own papers, or papers they invite from other authors. 

Prequisites include a scholarly track-record, demonstrated by being a first author on peer-reviewed publications and having served as peer-reviewer (preferably this should include JMIR journals. Applicants can self-assign themselves to papers to be peer-reviewed at JMIR Preprints).

Please apply at