About the Journal

Indexing and Impact Factor

JMIR Research Protocols (JRP, ISSN 1929-0748) is a sister journal of JMIR, the leading eHealth journal.

In 2024, JMIR Research Protocols received a Journal Impact Factor™ of 1. 4 (5-Year Journal Impact Factor™: 1.5) according to the latest release of the Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate, 2024. With a CiteScore of 2.4, JMIR Research Protocols ranks in the 66th percentile (#211 of 636) as a Q2 journal in the field of General Medicine, according to Scopus data.

JMIR Research Protocols is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, Sherpa Romeo, DOAJ, Scopus, Web of Science(WoS)/ESCI/SCIE, and EBSCO.