Latest Announcements

JMIR Research Protocols Receives a Journal Impact Factor of 1.4

JMIR Publications is proud to announce that JMIR Research Protocols has received a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 1.4 as published in the 2024 Journal Citation Report (JCR) from Clarivate.


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JMIR Research Protocols Accepted for MEDLINE Indexing

JRP has been accepted for MEDLINE indexing.


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JMIR Research Protocols Receives Inaugural Impact Factor of 1.7

JMIR Publications is pleased to announce that JMIR Research Protocols, indexed in the Emerging Sourc...

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JMIR Research Protocols Expected to Receive Impact Factor in 2023

The JMIR Research Protocols has been indexed by Clarivate since 2015 and will receive its' first Impact Factor in 2023


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JMIR Research Protocols Receives Prestigious DOAJ Seal

JMIR Publications is happy to announce that JMIR Research Protocols has been awarded the prestigious Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Seal. The DOAJ Seal is awarded to journals that demonstrate best practice in open access publishing. Only 10% of the 15,000 peer-reviewed journals indexed in DOAJ have been awarded this Seal. 


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JMIR Research Protocols Now Indexed in Scopus

(Toronto, Oct 9, 2019) We are happy to announce that JMIR Research Protocols, which published its first article in 2012, has been accepted for inclusion in Elsevier’s Scopus.

JMIR Publications is pleased to have the following journals indexed/accepted in Scopus:

  • Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • JMIR mHealth & uHealth      
  • JMIR Research Protocols     
  • JMIR H...

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JMIR Research Protocols is open for nominations for Section Editors and an Editor-in-Chief

Are you interested in research methods? Are you a specialist in a specific research area or clinical discipline? Do you have a special interest in research ethics and integrity of research, and do you see the importance of prospectively publishing research protocols? Do you see the educational value of publishing research proposals, ideas, and formative research?

We are currently seeking academics to apply as section editors for Editorial Board positions for JMIR Re...

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Looking for ideas, innovators, designs, a solution? JMIR Challenges connects solution seekers with Digital Health innovators, epatients and experts

(7 Dec 2015, Toronto) JMIR Publications is proud to announce the creation of a new platform and journal for innovators and organizations seeking solutions and trying to stimulate innovation: JMIR Challenges.

The platform is now open for submissions from solution seekers or "sponsors" of a challenge or an award/prize.

Do you have a problem or question for the worlds' leading health innovators? For example, are you looking for software wireframes, blue...

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JMIR Res Protoc among journals selected for Web of Science (New Edition)

(June 2015) Thomson Reuters, producer of the Journal Citation Reports and Web of Science and other database products, is creating a new edition of Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI); and we are proud to report that JMIR journals have been selected for the content expansion. 

The new Thomson Reuters Web of Science edition ESCI, which launches later in 2015, will include influential journals covering a variety of disciplines. "The journals selected...

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New JMIR journals - no submission or publication fees!

(Update Jun 2nd, 2015: This is an older posting, and some of the journals below including those marked with * now have Article Processing Fees. Please make sure to check the Fee Schedule). 

We are pleased to announce our forthcoming new journals, all of which have currently no submission or publication fees, and all of which focus on emerging technologies and patient-centered innovations in s...

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