Published on in Vol 3, No 4 (2014): Oct-Dec

Gestational Age Assessment in the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS): Ultrasound Capacity Building, Fetal Biometry Protocol Development, and Ongoing Quality Control

Gestational Age Assessment in the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS): Ultrasound Capacity Building, Fetal Biometry Protocol Development, and Ongoing Quality Control

Gestational Age Assessment in the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS): Ultrasound Capacity Building, Fetal Biometry Protocol Development, and Ongoing Quality Control


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  10. Van Vliet E, Kinney P, Owusu-Agyei S, Schluger N, Ae-Ngibise K, Whyatt R, Jack D, Agyei O, Chillrud S, Boamah E, Mujtaba M, Asante K. Current respiratory symptoms and risk factors in pregnant women cooking with biomass fuels in rural Ghana. Environment International 2019;124:533 View
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  22. Jack D, Ae-Ngibise K, Gould C, Boamah-Kaali E, Lee A, Mujtaba M, Chillrud S, Kaali S, Quinn A, Gyaase S, Oppong F, Carrión D, Agyei O, Burkhart K, Ana-aro J, Liu X, Berko Y, Wylie B, Etego S, Whyatt R, Owusu-Agyei S, Kinney P, Asante K. A cluster randomised trial of cookstove interventions to improve infant health in Ghana. BMJ Global Health 2021;6(8):e005599 View
  23. Kaali S, Jack D, Mujtaba M, Chillrud S, Ae-Ngibise K, Kinney P, Boamah Kaali E, Gennings C, Colicino E, Osei M, Wylie B, Agyei O, Quinn A, Asante K, Lee A. Identifying sensitive windows of prenatal household air pollution on birth weight and infant pneumonia risk to inform future interventions. Environment International 2023;178:108062 View
  24. Agyapong P, Jack D, Kaali S, Colicino E, Mujtaba M, Chillrud S, Osei M, Gennings C, Agyei O, Kinney P, Kwarteng A, Perzanowski M, Dwommoh Prah R, Tawiah T, Asante K, Lee A. Household Air Pollution and Child Lung Function: The Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2024;209(6):716 View
  25. Daouda M, Kaali S, Spring E, Mujtaba M, Jack D, Dwommoh Prah R, Colicino E, Tawiah T, Gennings C, Osei M, Janevic T, Chillrud S, Agyei O, Gould C, Lee A, Asante K. Prenatal Household Air Pollution Exposure and Childhood Blood Pressure in Rural Ghana. Environmental Health Perspectives 2024;132(3) View
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