Published on in Vol 7, No 11 (2018): November

- Pellow J, Nolte A, Temane A, Solomon E. Health supplements for allergic rhinitis: A mixed-methods systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2020;51:102425 View
- Oh K, Adnan M, Cho D. New Insight into Drugs to Alleviate Atopic March via Network Pharmacology-Based Analysis. Current Issues in Molecular Biology 2022;44(5):2257 View
- Wise S, Damask C, Roland L, Ebert C, Levy J, Lin S, Luong A, Rodriguez K, Sedaghat A, Toskala E, Villwock J, Abdullah B, Akdis C, Alt J, Ansotegui I, Azar A, Baroody F, Benninger M, Bernstein J, Brook C, Campbell R, Casale T, Chaaban M, Chew F, Chambliss J, Cianferoni A, Custovic A, Davis E, DelGaudio J, Ellis A, Flanagan C, Fokkens W, Franzese C, Greenhawt M, Gill A, Halderman A, Hohlfeld J, Incorvaia C, Joe S, Joshi S, Kuruvilla M, Kim J, Klein A, Krouse H, Kuan E, Lang D, Larenas‐Linnemann D, Laury A, Lechner M, Lee S, Lee V, Loftus P, Marcus S, Marzouk H, Mattos J, McCoul E, Melen E, Mims J, Mullol J, Nayak J, Oppenheimer J, Orlandi R, Phillips K, Platt M, Ramanathan M, Raymond M, Rhee C, Reitsma S, Ryan M, Sastre J, Schlosser R, Schuman T, Shaker M, Sheikh A, Smith K, Soyka M, Takashima M, Tang M, Tantilipikorn P, Taw M, Tversky J, Tyler M, Veling M, Wallace D, Wang D, White A, Zhang L. International consensus statement on allergy and rhinology: Allergic rhinitis – 2023. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 2023;13(4):293 View
- Peel A, Wang R, Ahmed W, White I, Wilkinson M, Loke Y, Wilson A, Fowler S. Changes in exhaled volatile organic compounds following indirect bronchial challenge in suspected asthma. Thorax 2023;78(10):966 View
- CIPRANDI G, TOSCA M. Nutraceuticals and non-pharmacological remedies for managing patients with allergic rhinitis. Minerva Pediatrics 2023;75(6) View
- Motta M, Pulitano G, Potenza M, Buriani G, Di Maio U, Amone F, Nobile V, Parisi O. Efficacy and Safety Assessment of Nasal Spray Containing Sodium Hyaluronate and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in Otolaryngological Disorders. Applied Sciences 2023;13(24):13159 View