Published on in Vol 8, No 1 (2019): January

Web-Based Stress Management Program for University Students in Indonesia: Systematic Cultural Adaptation and Protocol for a Feasibility Study

Web-Based Stress Management Program for University Students in Indonesia: Systematic Cultural Adaptation and Protocol for a Feasibility Study

Web-Based Stress Management Program for University Students in Indonesia: Systematic Cultural Adaptation and Protocol for a Feasibility Study


  1. Spanhel K, Balci S, Baumeister H, Bengel J, Sander L. Cultural adaptation of Internet- and mobile-based interventions for mental disorders: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews 2020;9(1) View
  2. Spanhel K, Schweizer J, Wirsching D, Lehr D, Baumeister H, Bengel J, Sander L. Cultural adaptation of internet interventions for refugees: Results from a user experience study in Germany. Internet Interventions 2019;18:100252 View
  3. Lo B, Shi J, Hollenberg E, Abi-Jaoudé A, Johnson A, Wiljer D. Surveying the Role of Analytics in Evaluating Digital Mental Health Interventions for Transition-Aged Youth: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(6):e15942 View
  4. Krifa I, Hallez Q, van Zyl L, Braham A, Sahli J, Ben Nasr S, Shankland R. Effectiveness of an online positive psychology intervention among Tunisian healthcare students on mental health and study engagement during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 2022;14(4):1228 View
  5. Juniar D, van Ballegooijen W, Schulte M, van Schaik A, Passchier J, Heber E, Lehr D, Sadarjoen S, Riper H. A Web-Based Stress Management Intervention for University Students in Indonesia (Rileks): Feasibility Study Using a Pretest-Posttest Design. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(7):e37278 View
  6. Spanhel K, Balci S, Feldhahn F, Bengel J, Baumeister H, Sander L. Cultural adaptation of internet- and mobile-based interventions for mental disorders: a systematic review. npj Digital Medicine 2021;4(1) View
  7. Listiyandini R, Andriani A, Kusristanti C, Moulds M, Mahoney A, Newby J. Culturally Adapting an Internet-Delivered Mindfulness Intervention for Indonesian University Students Experiencing Psychological Distress: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e47126 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Naslund J, Spagnolo J. Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. View