Published on in Vol 9, No 4 (2020): April

User Experience and Potential Health Effects of a Conversational Agent-Based Electronic Health Intervention: Protocol for an Observational Cohort Study

User Experience and Potential Health Effects of a Conversational Agent-Based Electronic Health Intervention: Protocol for an Observational Cohort Study

User Experience and Potential Health Effects of a Conversational Agent-Based Electronic Health Intervention: Protocol for an Observational Cohort Study

Marian Z M Hurmuz   1, 2 , MSc ;   Stephanie M Jansen-Kosterink   1, 2 , PhD ;   Harm op den Akker   1, 2 , PhD ;   Hermie J Hermens   1, 2 , Prof Dr

1 eHealth Group, Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, Netherlands

2 Biomedical Signals and Systems Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

Corresponding Author:

  • Marian Z M Hurmuz, MSc
  • eHealth Group
  • Roessingh Research and Development
  • Enschede
  • Netherlands
  • Phone: 31 880875771
  • Email: