Published on in Vol 10, No 1 (2021): January

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Developing the Accuracy of Vital Sign Measurements Using the Lifelight Software Application in Comparison to Standard of Care Methods: Observational Study Protocol

Developing the Accuracy of Vital Sign Measurements Using the Lifelight Software Application in Comparison to Standard of Care Methods: Observational Study Protocol

Developing the Accuracy of Vital Sign Measurements Using the Lifelight Software Application in Comparison to Standard of Care Methods: Observational Study Protocol

Thomas L Jones   1 , MA, MBBCHIR, MRCP ;   Emily Heiden   1 , MBBS, MRCP ;   Felicity Mitchell   1 , MSc, PhD, MRPharmS ;   Carole Fogg   1 , BA, MSc, PhD ;   Sharon McCready   1 ;   Laurence Pearce   2 , BSc, MBA ;   Melissa Kapoor   3 , BSc, DPhil ;   Paul Bassett   4 , BSc, MSc ;   Anoop J Chauhan   1 , MBChB, PhD, FRCP

1 Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

2 Xim, Catalyst Centre, Southampton Science Park, Chilworth, United Kingdom

3 Mind over Matter Medtech Ltd, Tonbridge, United Kingdom

4 Statsconsultancy Ltd, Amersham, United Kingdom

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