Published on in Vol 11, No 9 (2022): September

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Success4life Youth Empowerment for Promoting Well-being and Boosting Mental Health: Protocol for an Experimental Study

Success4life Youth Empowerment for Promoting Well-being and Boosting Mental Health: Protocol for an Experimental Study

Success4life Youth Empowerment for Promoting Well-being and Boosting Mental Health: Protocol for an Experimental Study

Sajita Setia   1, 2 , MD ;   Daniel Furtner   1, 2 , MD ;   Mounir Bendahmane   2 , PhD ;   Michelle Tichy   2, 3, 4 , PhD

1 Executive office, Transform Medical Communications, Wanganui, New Zealand

2 Transforming Life LLC, Wilmington, DE, United States

3 Rollins College, Winter Park, United States

4 University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States

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