Published on in Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jan-Mar

Bariatric Surgery for Morbid Obesity: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS) Rationale and Study Design

Bariatric Surgery for Morbid Obesity: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS) Rationale and Study Design

Bariatric Surgery for Morbid Obesity: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS) Rationale and Study Design


  1. Karimi M, Kabir A, Nejatifar M, Pazouki A. Trend of Changes in Serum Albumin and Its Relation with Sex, Age, and BMI Following Laparoscopic Mini-gastric Bypass Surgery in Morbid Obese Cases. Obesity Surgery 2018;28(3):671 View
  2. Motamedi M, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F, Barzin M. Longitudinal Comparison of the Effect of Gastric Bypass to Sleeve Gastrectomy on Liver Function in a Bariatric Cohort: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2019;29(2):511 View
  3. Borges J, Miranda I, Sarquis M, Borba V, Maeda S, Lazaretti-Castro M, Blinkey N. Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, and Vitamin D. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2018;21(2):157 View
  4. Barzin M, Motamedi M, Serahati S, Khalaj A, Arian P, Valizadeh M, Khalili D, Azizi F, Hosseinpanah F. Comparison of the Effect of Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy on Metabolic Syndrome and its Components in a Cohort: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2017;27(7):1697 View
  5. Hosseini-Esfahani F, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M, Azizi F, Barzin M, Mirmiran P. Nutrient Intake and Deficiency of Patients 1 Year After Bariatric Surgery: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2021;25(4):911 View
  6. Motamedi M, Barzin M, Ebrahimi M, Ebrahimi R, Khalaj A. Severe fatal protein malnutrition and liver failure in a morbidly obese patient after mini-gastric bypass surgery: Case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2017;33:71 View
  7. Asghari G, Khalaj A, Ghadimi M, Mahdavi M, Farhadnejad H, Valizadeh M, Azizi F, Barzin M, Hosseinpanah F. Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiencies Prior to Bariatric Surgery: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2018;28(8):2465 View
  8. Barzin M, Mousapour P, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. The Relationship Between Preoperative Kidney Function and Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate ≥ 30 mL/min: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. Obesity Surgery 2020;30(5):1859 View
  9. Barzin M, Valizadeh M, Serahati S, Mahdavi M, Azizi F, Hosseinpanah F. Overweight and Obesity: Twenty Years of Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study Findings. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2018;In Press(In Press) View
  10. Khalaj A, Mousapour P, Motamedi M, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F, Barzin M. Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass with a Biliopancreatic Limb of 200 or 160 cm: 1-Year Results of the Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2020;30(9):3528 View
  11. Rasaei N, Mirzababaei A, Arghavani H, Tajik S, Keshavarz S, Yekaninejad M, Imani H, Mirzaei K. A comparison of the sensitivity and specificity of anthropometric measurements to predict unhealthy metabolic phenotype in overweight and obese women. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2018;12(6):1147 View
  12. Khalaj A, Tasdighi E, Hosseinpanah F, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Farahmand E, Taheri H, Barzin M. Two-year outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy versus gastric bypass: first report based on Tehran obesity treatment study (TOTS). BMC Surgery 2020;20(1) View
  13. Aryannezhad S, Khalaj A, Hosseinpanah F, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. One-year outcomes of bariatric surgery in older adults: a case-matched analysis based on the Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. Surgery Today 2021;51(1):61 View
  14. Barzin M, Kalantar Motamedi M, Khalaj A, Serahati S, Khalili D, Morakabati A, Valizadeh M, Azizi F, Hosseinpanah F, Rakhshani N. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Liver Fibrosis in Bariatric Patients: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Hepatitis Monthly 2018;18(5) View
  15. Motamedi M, Rakhshani N, Khalaj A, Barzin M. Biopsy-proven progressive fatty liver disease nine months post mini-gastric bypass surgery: A case study. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2017;39:168 View
  16. Javanrouh N, Khalaj A, Guity K, Sedaghati-khayat B, Valizadeh M, Barzin M, Daneshpour M. Presence of CC Genotype for rs17773430 Could Affect the Percentage of Excess Weight Loss 1 Year After Bariatric Surgery: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2020;30(2):537 View
  17. Ziadlou M, Hosseini-Esfahani F, Mozaffari Khosravi H, Hosseinpanah F, Barzin M, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M. Dietary macro- and micro-nutrients intake adequacy at 6th and 12th month post-bariatric surgery. BMC Surgery 2020;20(1) View
  18. Kabir A, Pazouki A, Hajian M. Iran Obesity and Metabolic Surgery (IOMS) Cohort Study: Rationale and Design. Indian Journal of Surgery 2024;86(S3):679 View
  19. Aryannezhad S, Hosseinpanah F, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Akhavirad S, Barzin M. Comparison of the one-year outcomes of bariatric surgery in adolescents and young adults: a matched case–control study, Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Surgery Today 2021;51(11):1764 View
  20. Mousapour P, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. Revisional Surgery After One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in a Patient with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy: Case Report. Obesity Surgery 2021;31(9):4161 View
  21. Aryannezhad S, Sadeghian Y, Shapoori P, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. A rare case report of late-onset phytobezoar formation following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: delayed redo bariatric surgery. BMC Surgery 2021;21(1) View
  22. Mousapour P, Tasdighi E, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Taheri H, Hosseinpanah F, Barzin M. Sex disparity in laparoscopic bariatric surgery outcomes: a matched-pair cohort analysis. Scientific Reports 2021;11(1) View
  23. Yarizadeh H, Setayesh L, Majidi N, Rasaei N, Mehranfar S, Ebrahimi R, Casazzza K, Mirzaei K. Nutrient patterns and their relation to obesity and metabolic syndrome in Iranian overweight and obese adult women. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 2022;27(4):1327 View
  24. Barzin M, Ebadinejad A, Vahidi F, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. The mediating role of bariatric surgery in the metabolic relationship between parathyroid hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Osteoporosis International 2022;33(12):2585 View
  25. Tasdighi E, Mousapour P, Khalaj A, Sadeghian Y, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. Comparison of mid-term effectiveness and safety of one-anastomosis gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy in patients with super obesity (BMI ≥ 50 kg/m2). Surgery Today 2022;52(5):854 View
  26. Allasseur V, Venant V, Chudzik L. Utilisation de l’Inventaire Multiphasique de la Personnalité du Minnesota (MMPI) dans l’évaluation psychologique préopératoire en chirurgie bariatrique. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 2023;181(8):698 View
  27. Ebadinejad A, Shahshahani M, Hosseinpanah F, Ghazy F, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. Comparison of hypertension remission and relapse after sleeve gastrectomy and one-anastomosis gastric bypass: a prospective cohort study. Hypertension Research 2023;46(5):1287 View
  28. Barzin M, Heidari Almasi M, Mahdavi M, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Body Composition Changes Following Sleeve Gastrectomy Vs. One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Surgery 2021;31(12):5286 View
  29. Pourfarzi F, Sadjadi A, Poustchi H, Amani F. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Iranian Population: A Population-Based Study in Northwestern of Iran. Journal of Public Health Research 2022;11(1) View
  30. Heidari Almasi M, Barzin M, Mahdavi M, Khalaj A, Ebrahimi D, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Comparing Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Body Composition Changes in Metabolically Healthy and Metabolically Unhealthy Severely Obese Patients: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). World Journal of Surgery 2023;47(1):209 View
  31. Zadeh M, Zamaninour N, Ansar H, Kabir A, Pazouki A, Farsani G. Changes in serum albumin and liver enzymes following three different types of bariatric surgery: six-month follow-up. A retrospective cohort study. Sao Paulo Medical Journal 2021;139(6):598 View
  32. Ebadinejad A, Barzin M, Abiri B, Mahdavi M, Khalaj A, Ebrahimi D, Hosseinpanah F, Valizadeh M. The effect of bariatric surgery in comparison with the control group on the prevention of comorbidities in people with severe obesity: a prospective cohort study. BMC Surgery 2022;22(1) View
  33. Barzin M, Tasdighi E, Ebadinejad A, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Anemia After Sleeve Gastrectomy and One‐Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: An Investigation Based on the Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). World Journal of Surgery 2022;46(7):1713 View
  34. Barzin M, Andalib A, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Mousapour P, Hosseinpanah F. Predictive Factors of Cholelithiasis After Prophylactic Administration of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Following Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. Obesity Surgery 2022;32(2):311 View
  35. Hosseini-Esfahani F, Kazemi-Aliakbar M, koochakpoor G, Barzin M, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M, Mirmiran P. Diet quality and anthropometric indices of patients undergone bariatric surgery: the prospective Tehran obesity treatment study. BMC Surgery 2023;23(1) View
  36. Daneshpour M, Akbarzadeh M, Lanjanian H, Sedaghati-khayat B, Guity K, Masjoudi S, Zahedi A, Moazzam-Jazi M, Bonab L, Shalbafan B, Asgarian S, Farhood G, Javanrooh N, Zarkesh M, Riahi P, Moghaddas M, Dehkordi P, Ahmadi A, Hosseini F, Farahani S, Hadaegh F, Mirmiran P, Tehrani F, Ghanbarian A, Pasand M, Amiri P, Valizadeh M, Hosseipanah F, Tohidi M, Ghasemi A, Zadeh-Vakili A, Piryaei M, Alamdari S, Khalili D, Momenan A, Barzin M, Zeinali S, Hedayati M, Azizi F. Cohort profile update: Tehran cardiometabolic genetic study. European Journal of Epidemiology 2023;38(6):699 View
  37. Ebadinejad A, Ghazy F, Hosseinpanah F, Fardoost S, Rajabian Tabesh M, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Ebadi S, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. A Comparative Analysis of Safety and Efficacy of Bariatric Surgery During the COVID‐19 Pandemic and Pre‐Pandemic Period: Insights from the Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. World Journal of Surgery 2023;47(12):2949 View
  38. Khalaj A, Barzin M, Ebadinejad A, Mahdavi M, Ebrahimi N, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Revisional Bariatric Surgery due to Complications: Indications and Outcomes. Obesity Surgery 2023;33(11):3463 View
  40. Moslehi N, Kamali Z, Mirmiran P, Barzin M, Khalaj A. Association of postoperative dietary macronutrient content and quality with total weight loss and fat-free mass loss at midterm after sleeve gastrectomy. Nutrition 2024;120:112331 View
  41. Maghsoodlo M, Shakibazadeh E, Mokhtary Z, Barzin M, Yaseri M, Salimi Y. Development and validation of a healthy diet and physical activity tool based on health action process approach among patients undergone bariatric surgery. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 2024;23(1):1007 View
  42. Almasi M, Barzin M, Mahdavi M, Khalaj A, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Prevalence and predictors of weight recurrence following bariatric surgery: A longitudinal prospective cohort study from Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 2024;18(1):43 View
  43. Moslehi N, Kamali Z, Barzin M, Khalaj A, Mirmiran P. Eating behaviors and dietary intake 2 to 4 years following sleeve gastrectomy: Are there any associations?. Nutrition 2024;125:112486 View
  44. Moslehi N, Kamali Z, Barzin M, Khalaj A, Mirmiran P. Major dietary patterns and their associations with total weight loss and weight loss composition 2–4 years after sleeve gastrectomy. European Journal of Medical Research 2024;29(1) View
  45. Barzin M, Molavizadeh D, Mahdavi M, Khalaj A, Sadeghi S, Valizadeh M, Azizi F, Hosseinpanah F. Thyroid Hormone Replacement Dosing after Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Primary Hypothyroidism And Severe Obesity: Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. Thyroid® 2024;34(9):1105 View
  46. Almasi M, Barzin M, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Hosseinpanah F. Safety and efficacy of sleeve gastrectomy in non-diabetic individuals with class I vs. class II obesity: a matched controlled experiment from Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). Surgical Endoscopy 2024;38(11):6625 View
  47. Sadeghi S, Hosseinpanah F, Khalaj A, Ebadinejad A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. Remission and relapse of diabetes after sleeve gastrectomy and one‐anastomosis gastric bypass: The Tehran Obesity Treatment Study. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2024;26(12):6007 View
  48. Abiri B, Heidari Almasi M, Hosseinpanah F, Molavizadeh D, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Barzin M. Legacy of the Tehran Obesity Treatment Study: Findings from 10 Years Bariatric Surgery Survey. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2024;22(4) View
  49. Sadeghi S, Hosseinpanah F, Khalaj A, Mahdavi M, Valizadeh M, Taheri H, Barzin M. The journey of MASLD: Tracking resolution, relapse, and predictive factors after sleeve gastrectomy and one-anastomosis gastric bypass, a propensity score-matched cohort study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2025;219:111969 View