Published on in Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

Predictive Factors for Anastomotic Leakage After Colorectal Surgery: Study Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study (REVEAL Study)

Predictive Factors for Anastomotic Leakage After Colorectal Surgery: Study Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study (REVEAL Study)

Predictive Factors for Anastomotic Leakage After Colorectal Surgery: Study Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study (REVEAL Study)

Audrey CHM Jongen   1, 2 , MD ;   Joanna WAM Bosmans   1, 2 , MD ;   Serdar Kartal   1 , BSc ;   Tim Lubbers   3 , MD, PhD ;   Meindert Sosef   4 , MD,PhD ;   Gerrit D Slooter   3 ;   Jan H Stoot   5 , MD, PhD ;   Frederik-Jan van Schooten   2 , PhD ;   Nicole D Bouvy   1, 2 , MD, PhD ;   Joep PM Derikx   6 , MD, PhD

1 Department of General Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands

2 NUTRIM School for Nutrition & Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

3 Department of Surgery, Maxima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, Netherlands

4 Department of Surgery, Zuyderland Medical Centre, Heerlen, Netherlands

5 Department of Surgery, Zuyderland Medical Centre, Sittard, Netherlands

6 Pediatric Surgical Centre Amsterdam, Emma Children's hospital, Amsterdam Medical Centre/Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Corresponding Author:

  • Audrey CHM Jongen, MD
  • Department of General Surgery
  • Maastricht University Medical Centre
  • P.O. Box 5800
  • P. Debeyelaan 25
  • Maastricht, 6202 AZ
  • Netherlands
  • Phone: 31 651360560
  • Fax: 31 433884154
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