Published on in Vol 5, No 4 (2016): Oct-Dec

Efficacy of Mobile Serious Games in Increasing HIV Risk Perception in Swaziland: A Randomized Control Trial (SGprev Trial) Research Protocol

Efficacy of Mobile Serious Games in Increasing HIV Risk Perception in Swaziland: A Randomized Control Trial (SGprev Trial) Research Protocol

Efficacy of Mobile Serious Games in Increasing HIV Risk Perception in Swaziland: A Randomized Control Trial (SGprev Trial) Research Protocol

Bhekumusa Wellington Lukhele   1 , MPH ;   Patou Musumari   1 , MD, PhD ;   Christina El-Saaidi   1 , MPH ;   Teeranee Techasrivichien   1 , MSc, PhD ;   S. Pilar Suguimoto   1 , MD, PhD ;   Masako Ono Kihara   1 , PhD ;   Masahiro Kihara   1 , MD, PhD

1 Kyoto University, Department of Global Health and Socio Epidemiology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Corresponding Author:

  • Bhekumusa Wellington Lukhele, MPH
  • Kyoto University
  • Department of Global Health and Socio Epidemiology
  • Kyoto University
  • Frontier Laboratory Bldg, 2nd Fl.
  • Kyoto University School of Public Health Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku
  • Kyoto, 6068501
  • Japan
  • Phone: 81 757534350 ext 4350
  • Fax: 81 757534349
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