Published on in Vol 6, No 5 (2017): May

Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Practices Regarding HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Migrants From Sub-Saharan Africa Living in Germany: A Multicenter Survey Protocol

Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Practices Regarding HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Migrants From Sub-Saharan Africa Living in Germany: A Multicenter Survey Protocol

Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Practices Regarding HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Migrants From Sub-Saharan Africa Living in Germany: A Multicenter Survey Protocol


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  5. Koschollek C, Kuehne A, Müllerschön J, Amoah S, Batemona-Abeke H, Dela Bursi T, Mayamba P, Thorlie A, Mputu Tshibadi C, Wangare Greiner V, Bremer V, Santos-Hövener C, Francis J. Knowledge, information needs and behavior regarding HIV and sexually transmitted infections among migrants from sub-Saharan Africa living in Germany: Results of a participatory health research survey. PLOS ONE 2020;15(1):e0227178 View
  6. Kuehne A, Koschollek C, Santos-Hövener C, Thorlie A, Müllerschön J, Mputu Tshibadi C, Mayamba P, Batemona-Abeke H, Amoah S, Wangare Greiner V, Dela Bursi T, Bremer V, Moise I. Impact of HIV knowledge and stigma on the uptake of HIV testing – Results from a community-based participatory research survey among migrants from sub-Saharan Africa in Germany. PLOS ONE 2018;13(4):e0194244 View
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  9. Koschollek C, Kajikhina K, Bartig S, Zeisler M, Schmich P, Gößwald A, Rommel A, Ziese T, Hövener C. Results and Strategies for a Diversity-Oriented Public Health Monitoring in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(2):798 View
  10. Shobowale O, Schmidt A, Meireles P, Rojas Castro D, Detandt S, Stutterheim S, Weatherburn P, Jonas K. Determinants of HIV Testing Among Migrant Men Who Have Sex With Men from Sub-Saharan Africa and Other Regions Residing in 10 European Countries. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(2):488 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Santos-Hövener C, Koschollek C, Bremer V. Handbuch Migration und Erfolg. View
  2. Santos-Hövener C, Koschollek C, Bremer V. Praxishandbuch Professionelle Mediation. View