Published on in Vol 9, No 1 (2020): January

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Developing an Evidence-Based Nursing Handover Standard for a Multi-Site Public Hospital in Switzerland: Protocol for a Web-Based, Modified Delphi Study

Developing an Evidence-Based Nursing Handover Standard for a Multi-Site Public Hospital in Switzerland: Protocol for a Web-Based, Modified Delphi Study

Developing an Evidence-Based Nursing Handover Standard for a Multi-Site Public Hospital in Switzerland: Protocol for a Web-Based, Modified Delphi Study

Nadine Tacchini-Jacquier   1 * , MScN ;   Els de Waele   2 * , MSc ;   Peter Urben   2 * , MAS ;   Pierre Turini   2 * , MD ;   Henk Verloo   2, 3, 4 * , PhD

1 Development of Nursing Practices Unit, Valais Hospital, Sion, Switzerland

2 Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Valais Hospital, Sion, Switzerland

3 School of Health Sciences, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale Valais / Wallis University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Sion, Switzerland

4 Service of Old Age Psychiatry, Cery, Lausanne, Switzerland

*all authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

  • Henk Verloo, PhD
  • School of Health Sciences
  • Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale Valais / Wallis University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
  • Chemin de l'Agasse 5
  • Sion, 1950
  • Switzerland
  • Phone: 41 27-606-84-24
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