Published on in Vol 9, No 11 (2020): November

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Risk Perception of Health Professionals in Intrapartum Care Decisions: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

Risk Perception of Health Professionals in Intrapartum Care Decisions: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

Risk Perception of Health Professionals in Intrapartum Care Decisions: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study


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  2. Peterwerth N, Halek M, Schäfers R. Intrapartum risk perception–A qualitative exploration of factors affecting the risk perception of midwives and obstetricians in the clinical setting. Midwifery 2022;106:103234 View
  3. Peterwerth N, Halek M, Schäfers R. Association of personal and systemic factors on intrapartum risk perception and obstetric intervention rates: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2024;24(1) View