Published on in Vol 10, No 8 (2021): August

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Developing a Risk Governance Framework on Radiological Emergency, Preparedness, and Response for Emergency Responders: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

Developing a Risk Governance Framework on Radiological Emergency, Preparedness, and Response for Emergency Responders: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

Developing a Risk Governance Framework on Radiological Emergency, Preparedness, and Response for Emergency Responders: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

JMIR Res Protocols: Developing a Risk Governance Framework on Radiological Emergency, Preparedness, and Response fo…

12:49 PM · Aug 13, 2021


RT @jmirpub: JMIR Res Protocols: Developing a Risk Governance Framework on Radiological Emergency, Preparedness, and Response for Emergency…

12:50 PM · Aug 13, 2021