Published on in Vol 11, No 12 (2022): December

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Postoperative Sigmoidoscopy and Biopsy After Elective Endovascular and Open Aortic Surgery for Preventing Mortality by Colonic Ischemia (PSB-Aorta-CI): Protocol for a Prospective Study

Postoperative Sigmoidoscopy and Biopsy After Elective Endovascular and Open Aortic Surgery for Preventing Mortality by Colonic Ischemia (PSB-Aorta-CI): Protocol for a Prospective Study

Postoperative Sigmoidoscopy and Biopsy After Elective Endovascular and Open Aortic Surgery for Preventing Mortality by Colonic Ischemia (PSB-Aorta-CI): Protocol for a Prospective Study


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