Published on in Vol 12 (2023)

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Understanding Resilience and Mental Well-Being in Southwest Indigenous Nations and the Impact of COVID-19: Protocol for a Multimethods Study

Understanding Resilience and Mental Well-Being in Southwest Indigenous Nations and the Impact of COVID-19: Protocol for a Multimethods Study

Understanding Resilience and Mental Well-Being in Southwest Indigenous Nations and the Impact of COVID-19: Protocol for a Multimethods Study

Julie A Baldwin   1 * , PhD ;   Angelica Alvarado   1 * , BS ;   Karen Jarratt-Snider   1 * , MPA, PhD ;   Amanda Hunter   1 * , PhD ;   Chesleigh Keene   1 * , PhD ;   Angelina E Castagno   1 * , PhD ;   Alisse Ali-Joseph   1 * , PhD ;   Juliette Roddy   1 * , PhD ;   Manley A Begay Jr   1 * , EdD ;   Darold H Joseph   1 * , PhD ;   Carol Goldtooth   1 * , MPH ;   Carolyn Camplain   1 * , JD, PhD ;   Melinda Smith   1 * , MS ;   Kelly McCue   1 * , MPH ;   Andria B Begay   1 * , MPH ;   Nicolette I Teufel-Shone   1 * , PhD

1 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

*all authors contributed equally

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