This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:
RCTs - Protocols/Proposals (funded, already peer-reviewed, non-eHealth) (174) Consumer & Patient Education and Shared-Decision Making (705) Chronic Disease Self-Management in Childhood and Adolescence (142) Caregiving and Parenting for Chronic Pediatric Diseases (87) Supporting Home Care and Family Caregivers (206)Published on in Vol 10, No 5 (2021): May
Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are
available at, first published
Engaging Caregivers and Providers of Children With Sickle Cell Anemia in Shared Decision Making for Hydroxyurea: Protocol for a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Engaging Caregivers and Providers of Children With Sickle Cell Anemia in Shared Decision Making for Hydroxyurea: Protocol for a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors of this article:
Anna M Hood1 ; Heather Strong2 ; Cara Nwankwo3 ; Yolanda Johnson2 ; James Peugh2 ; Constance A Mara2 ; Lisa M Shook4, 5 ; William B Brinkman4, 6 ; Francis J Real4, 6 ; Melissa D Klein4, 6 ; Rogelle Hackworth7 ; Sherif M Badawy8, 9 ; Alexis A Thompson8, 9 ; Jean L Raphael10 ; Amber M Yates11 ; Kim Smith-Whitley12, 13 ; Allison A King14, 15 ; Cecelia Calhoun15 ; Susan E Creary16 ; Connie M Piccone17 ; Aimee K Hildenbrand18, 19 ; Steven K Reader18, 19 ; Lynne Neumayr20, 21, 22 ; Emily R Meier23 ; Amy E Sobota24 ; Sohail Rana25 ; Maria Britto4, 26, 27 ; Kay L Saving28 ; Marsha Treadwell29 ; Charles T Quinn4, 30 ; Russell E Ware4, 5 ; Lori E Crosby2, 4, 27
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